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The Chance of A Lifetime

            In 2013 I took many chances, the best was the one of a lifetime.  Not everyone was behind me on this decision at this time in my life, I was fighting a horrible cold and had just started a new job, and so my voice was pretty hoarse.  However, being my go-getter attitude I thought if I don’t take this chance I would be doing the ACHA and myself a disservice.  I practiced, rehearsed, changed my song two weeks before, and figured out the 90 seconds allotted, and with help picked out my outfit the night before.

            At 6:00am on November 17th my alarm went off, though I was already awake.  I felt like a five year old getting ready for her birthday party on the day of her birthday and putting on the paper crown.  Feeling like a princess knowing something incredible is about to happen and it will be like no other day before or after.  I crept downstairs made my tea concoction and began to get ready.  Everything was packed and organized a new mug of tea in hand and I was in the car.  Singing my heart out as if my life depended on it.  I got winked at on the road as I sat in some Sunday morning traffic, weaving and changing lanes with confidence.  As I got closer my nerves began to kick in again.

            At exactly 9:30 am I walked over to the entrance and got my sticker. I stood online outside in the cold for two hours.  It started to rain on us.  Yet, I didn’t care. I was standing outside the entrance to America’s Got Talent Auditions.  I held my breath for hours, getting moved from room to room.  My excitement came and went as I heard and observed other acts.  I had to remind myself why I was there because I thought I would leave.  I was finally in an area where I could start to fix hair, makeup, and eventually another space where I could walk away and tune up and practice. 

            Five hours after arriving I got to the end of the waiting rooms.  I was now the only person in the waiting room.  I walked in to a small room, placed my bags and coat in the corner and took my X on the floor.  I acted like I audition for America’s Got Talent every day. I could not believe how comfortable I felt.  I had my ACHA pin attached to my dress, which had a plunging neck and back line.  I mentioned my health before my 90 seconds began.  I told the judge that I had been evaluated for a heart transplant two years ago. I answered the usual what are you singing today questions.  Opened my mouth and gave it all I had.  I had an outer body experience.  I could see myself singing and hear myself they way others could hear me; it was unreal, just fantastic.

When finished, I collected my things, thanked the judge and left to a packed waiting room applauding me.  I got chocked up and thanked them all with a little curtsey.  I was also surprised because I had only been inside for a total of 2 minutes tops.  How did all these people get there so fast? I then asked, “Where do I go now”? Unaware of where the exit was.  A young man waiting to audition answered, “To stardom”! Way to choke a girl up again! It was then I knew I had prepared and done everything right and to the absolute best of my ability.  I went for me and to represent all of us as a community.  In that moment I knew I had delivered it no matter what happened or happens from then on out. I now wait to see if I get an email in early spring regarding a call back.  I am scared so much about how badly I want this. I am however thrilled with how my big chance of 90 seconds went.  All that mental and vocal preparation was over in 90 seconds time.  I faced the pressure, handled it and treated it graciously and with care so I would not forget a second of a moment.  Therefore, if I do not get a callback I will be fine, no one can take my pride and achievement away from me.  No matter what happens friends I can say I auditioned for America’s Got Talent an hour away from my house in NYC. J


  1. Wow! I knew you did it, but to hear the entire story of your adventure that day brought tears to my eyes. I can't wait 'til we find out if you are chosen! But you're right; even if not, you won a major victory for yourself. Be proud :)
    - Andi

  2. Thank you Andrea, I love you for the support and look forward to meeting you soon, and singing for all of you at conference or at a restaurant karaoke, I'm not picky!. As the Gershwin song says, "They can't tale that away from me...No... They can't take that away from me".


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