In my last blog, I asked if I should start a Face Book fan page or group. Both got a nice reception. A friend actually laid out a page for me to use as a fan page. So stay tuned because I want to hear everyone's journey's through life and how everyone handles it all. Sometimes an ear from an unexpecting friend is all that's needed to change your outlook.
I will continue to follow my dreams on this site but will also start to do so on Face Book through the help of my friends.
All the best!! El <3
I will continue to follow my dreams on this site but will also start to do so on Face Book through the help of my friends.
All the best!! El <3
If you have a facebook page then you can use Pagemodo to create a welcome page for free. They simple post Powered by Pagemodo at the bottom of your page. It will allow you to post pictures and your page name as well as a like button. You can also make the pictures links to other sites you have, like this one. So that when you click on the picture of you singing it brings you to this blog. Maybe you have a couple of videos on you tube you can make another picture a link to your youtube page. It's very cool and super easy to set up. You simply go to and follow the instructions. If you have any questions you can go to my facebook page. Naturesheart. This is the link to my Pagemodo welcome page.